In occasione dell’Art performing Festival 2019, abbiamo presentato “HAELLO_wearable bio interfaces for the performance” e la prima edizione dell’OPEN STEAM LAB “Wearable & Performance” il 29 giugno 2019.
Il risultato di questo laboratorio d’innovazione creativa ha dato luce a due prototipi: il primo è consistito nella dotazione IOT di un body per la danza firmato HAELLO, il secondo è un wearable per l’artista Jatun Risba e la performance di arte e scienza “Mpasturavacche” andata in scena il 5 luglio 2019.
PERFORMANCE “Mpasturavacche” di Jatun Risba, co-prodotto con Giada Totaro e il team STEAM Atelier.
“Mpasturavacche. The milk-suckling snake” by Jatun Risba
A one-to-one art and science performance that let people explore the sensory abilities of snakes through wearable technologies.
The work Mpasturavacche sheds light on the instincts and impulses of the lizard brain in the human animal. During the duration of the performance, the artist and the spectator/co-performer are linked by a sort of “umbilical cord” that acts as a communication channel between the two.
The spectator/co-performer has to wear a headset for virtual reality with thermal vision and a high sensitive voice sensor mounted close to the mouth. The device is connected to the artist, where a wearable technology system, made of Arduino and three micro motors and a thermal textile, reacts and vibrates with visitors breath and voice.
The performance explores the ancestral communication systems of reptiles (snakes) and their impact on human perception and behaviour. Mpasturavacche questions: What is needed for sensuous thoughts and arousal to arise? What triggers shame? What is the nature and form of human (erotic) energy? The intimate setting of the performance awakens and challenges the sensory nature of the communication and signification in the human [and non-human] animal.